(970) 360-4066
(970) 360-4066
Over 50 Years Combined Experience
Local Trusted Criminal Defense Attorneys
Every minute counts when you're dealing with the criminal justice system. If you face a felony charge in the State of Colorado, you need legal assistance immediately. The penalties for a felony conviction are severe and can leave a life-lasting mark on your reputation. It reduces your chances of finding work, strips your rights away, and could lead to prison time.
Here at Peters & Nolan, LLC, we've dedicated our careers to clients dealing with everything from minor traffic offenses to major felonies. We firmly believe everyone deserves to have their Constitutional rights defended, understanding that our legal system doesn't always treat the accused fairly. We treat you respectfully while building a defense catered to your unique situation.
The minute you work with the attorneys at Peters & Nolan, LLC, we'll examine the events surrounding the incident and search for violations on the part of the investigating officers or the prosecution. We know the stakes and will aggressively fight for our client's rights. Contact our firm today to schedule a free consultation.
Free Consultations for Felony Cases
Call Peters & Nolan, LLC today!
(970) 243-4357
"Professional, experienced, successful. This team knows their stuff and will help with your problems as quickly as possible."
David G.
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